CEO Film Productions is proud to announce that Slumber Party's NIGHTMARE has won 3 Awards at the Without Your Head Horror Podcast's Severed Limbs 16 Horror Film Festival!!!
2 of those awards are...
The Diana Doll is the winner of The Gunnar Hansen Award for Best Villain. The Diana Doll was built by Megan Chevatewa and voiced by Rachel Rose Gilmour. Thank you so much ladies for bringing The Diana Doll to life!!!
NIGHTMARE won The Joel Reed Award for Craziest Weirdest or Most Bizarre Short
We want to thank the Without Your Head Horror Podcast hosts and community for the awards and recognition, and encourage all of you to like and follow the podcast!!
What is the 3rd Award.... That will be a very special post very soon...
Slumber Party Princesses Rule!!!!!
#slumberpartythemovie, #slumberpartyprincessesrule, #horroranthology, #horrorfeaturefilm, #horrorfanatic, #horrorjunkie, #horrorcomedy, #thriller, #horroraction, #veganmary, #slumberpartyday23, #flappytheclown, #fertileblood, #slumberpartygoldenyears, #slumberpartynightmare, #ceofilmproduction, #independentfilmmaking, #independentfilm, #indpendenthorror, #welcometothebasement, #thinginthebasementhorrorfest, #krakeninternationalfilmfestival, #bestediting #BestSoundDesign, #BestSupportingActor, #besthorror, #thedianadoll, #bestdirector,